MSRP vs. MAP: Key Differences and Their Impact on Your Business

A shopping line with a tag 'Best Price.'

As a business owner, you might be grappling with questions like:  This guide aims to answer these questions and provide more information on how you can ace pricing without depleting your profit margins.  Before that, we must understand how MSRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) and MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) differ from each other.  These two […]

8 Reasons Why Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) is Indispensable for Business Owners

A bookstore with a price tag saying all items are are 1 Euro.

Let’s imagine a world.  One where there are no rules or guidelines to control advertised product prices.  Where retailers could advertise products at any price, leading to a relentless race to the bottom.   Where counterfeit products, due to lack of pricing regulations, would flood the market.  Where business owners trying to maintain fair pricing would […]

9 Strategies for Product Promotion Success with Competitor Benchmarking Tools

Are you looking for ways to keep your prices competitive without sacrificing profitability? Do you find it challenging to track your competitors’ promotions and adjust your strategies accordingly? The bad news: you aren’t alone. The good news: there is a solution to overcome it. The pressure to keep up with market trends and competitor activities […]

9 Ways to Use Competitor Benchmarking Tools for Multi-National Success

Map of the world. surrounded by currencies of different kinds.

While a multi-national presence opens a lot of doors for a business, it does come with a pandora’s box of challenges. Business owners often grapple with understanding regional market dynamics, adjusting pricing strategies to stay competitive, and managing supply chains efficiently. The complexity of monitoring competitor activities in different regions can be overwhelming, leading to […]

7 Ways Competitor Price Tracking Impacts Supply Chain Efficiency

A team of 3 people working on financial reports and preparing presentations.

Markets are ever volatile. Supply chain disruptions have become commonplace.  From unexpected supplier delays and transportation bottlenecks to fluctuating raw material costs and sudden shifts in demand, these disruptions can lead to increased costs, lost sales, and diminished customer satisfaction. The struggle to maintain competitive pricing while ensuring profitability is real.  We understand, which is […]

7 Reasons To Integrate Competitor Price Tracking Tool With Your Inventory System

The image shows the inventory stock packed neatly in a warehouse.

You’ve invested heavily in your inventory, but sales are as expected.  Shelves are either overflowing with unsold products or empty, leaving customers frustrated.  Financial losses, missed deliveries, lost opportunities.  An all-too-familiar tale for many business owners. But what if there was a way to turn this around? If you face similar challenges and are looking […]

The importance of dynamic pricing

The dynamic pricing strategy finds its roots in the powerful idea of changing prices according to competition. Dynamic pricing is not a newborn kind of strategy, airline companies used to use it in the 80′ for fixing ticket prices. Thanks to technology, today is, however, possible to take advantage of different automatic tools that have the goal of automating different tasks.

Dynamic vs static pricing

For those managers that are running an online business, today’s competition price tracking is as important as taking the right strategic marketing decisions on the pricing policy in order to increase the business.

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