Retailer intelligence
Monitor your competitors and optimize your pricing strategy
retailer intelligence
Monitor your competitors and optimize your pricing strategy

The choice of top brands and e-tailers worldwide

With just one click, you can have
Competitor price monitoring
+20% sales
+8% margins
Price optimization
Monitoring, comparison and optimization of your catalog
98.5% data accuracy
Competitor price monitoring and product matching
Your potential customers come into contact with your products via search engines, e-commerce sites, online ads and social networks. Manually monitoring your competitors’ prices is a very costly and complex undertaking, especially if your competition is spread across different countries.
Competitoor can simplify your competitor research and monitoring activities. Our technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to recognize products identical or similar to those in your catalog that are for sale on competitor sites and marketplaces and monitor their prices daily.
E-tailers who have chosen Competitoor as a partner to monitor their online competition have seen their revenues and margins grow within a few short months.

Monitoring ancillary costs
For e-commerce sites, it is important to be constantly monitoring not only the prices of products online, but ancillary costs as well, since these also have an impact on the consumer’s purchase-decision process.
Manually measuring these additional expenses is a burdensome and time-consuming process that is unlikely to yield precise data, given that these costs are variable and are often reported only after the purchasing stage is complete.
Competitoor monitors and gathers together all ancillary expenses, such as delivery, installation and packing costs, taxes, etc., and makes them available and easily accessible on a dashboard.
Dynamic Pricing
The online market is evolving rapidly, and most users compare prices across different e-commerce sites and comparison websites before making a purchase. That is why e-commerce sites have to make sure that their products’ prices are continuously updated and are competitive with respect to their competitors’. Too high of a price can impact sales volumes, while too low of a price can lead to shrinking margins.
Dynamic Pricing uses the data from competitor price monitoring to optimize your prices in real time, so as to respond appropriately to market demand.
E-commerce sites can personalize the pricing rules they apply and set minimum and maximum thresholds. Changes are introduced automatically, meaning that prices are immediately adjusted on the e-commerce site, thus avoiding manual inputting errors.
E-commerce sites that use Dynamic Pricing to optimize their pricing strategy record increases of up to 20% in sales and up to 8% in their margins.
Monitoring merchandising
In order for e-tailers to zero in on successful strategies for attracting consumers to their e-commerce sites and increasing their sales, it is essential that they analyze and compare their product assortments with those of their competitors.
The Competitoor Merchandising Plan makes it possible for e-tailers to monitor their merchandise mixes and compare them with those of their competitors in terms of assortment depth, price positioning and advertising pressure. This in-depth analysis allows e-tailers to identify the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities in their own merchandise assortments and make strategic, data-informed decisions.
Historical data collected by Competitoor enables e-tailers to analyze trends in order to position their products to the best advantage within multi-brand digital storefronts and adopt successful competitive strategies.