6 May 2017

How Competitoor can help you increase your income

It’s no secret that in order to have a successful online business you need to know how your competitors are playing. You can do it either manually or by using an automatic tool. Doing it manually may require a big investment in terms of time and money. Competitors are popping up daily on the Internet, and you need to check what they’re doing if you want to keep your business competitive. But with the growth of your competitors, the need to check them and know in real time what they are doing is crucial. You can’t be competitive if you don’t know how your competitors are behaving.
Doing it automatically allows you to focus your team on new or more important tasks. With Competitoor, you can access your account anytime you want and check your competitors.

Protecting your brand value is very important. Due to the increase of online shopping, the number of people that are deciding to open an online business is increasing. For a brand, the value perceived by customers is something that cannot be underestimated. A high price can justify the quality and the name that the brand builds up over the years, so finding a product sold at 50% off the original price is not an advantage for the brand.
Again, using a tool such as Competitoor will allow you to strengthen the relationship with your retailers. Those who follow your pricing rules will be glad to see that you care about protecting them from those retailers that are not behaving accordingly.

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